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Why Tennis?

Updated: Aug 16, 2022

Why Tennis? This is a question that any average person would ask... There are so many sports that exist in today's society that are all unique and bring so many positive benefits in their own way. But what is it that makes tennis special? I have come up with FOUR reasons why you should try TENNIS.


As most people would know any form of exercise (including Tennis) has many benefits to the human body. This includes but is not limited to; helping maintain a healthy body weight - (exercise plays an important role in controlling body weight as it burns calories. If you want to maintain your weight calories burned needs to equal calories consumed or if you want to lose weight then calories burned must be greater than calories consumed), strengthen your muscles & bones - (exercise has been proven to help children and teenagers build healthy and strong bones and muscles. But also helps adults later on in life slow down the loss of bone density), improve your mood and mental well-being - (when you exercise regularly its releases chemicals in the body called endorphins. Endorphins create a positive feeling in the body and help boost your self-esteem), helps you live longer - (exercise has been proven to help reduce the risk health conditions such as heart disease and cancer).


The great thing about Tennis is it's a sport that you can play consistantly throughout the majority of your life. Unlike other sports such as american football, rugby, ice hockey etc; that are very physical and high in contact. Unfortunately these type of sports do have a toll on the body and for the average person it would be very difficult to play these sports throughout your life. The great thing about Tennis is it doesn't take a big physical toll on your body. As you get older you can adjust the way you play to increase your longevity in the sport.

3) BEST OF BOTH WORLDS (Individual & Team)

Usually with sports they are either individual or a team sport. But fortunately with tennis you get to experience BOTH. Playing a singles match, only having yourself to rely on and experiencing the mental challenges you face. And then learning to communicate and play as a team during a doubles match. Both types of games challenge you in various ways.


Lastly the one great benefit of Tennis is that it is global. You will find that in most places around the world you will be able to play Tennis. So no matter where you are there is a good chance you can play! According to some sources Tennis is the 5th most popular sport in the world.

So there you have it. Go out find yourself a racket and find a tennis club to join! It is a great way to exercise and socialise within the community. What do you have to lose?

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