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How to approach your training for tennis during in-season?

Training for tennis during the in-season can be challenging because you need to balance your training with the demands of competition and playing matches. Here are a few tips on how to train effectively during the in-season:

1. Prioritize recovery: Playing matches and practicing can take a toll on your body, so it's important to make recovery a priority. This includes getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and stretching and foam rolling after training and matches. 2. Focus on maintenance and injury prevention: During the in-season, it's important to maintain your fitness level rather than trying to make significant gains. This includes working on injury prevention exercises and continuing to work on your overall fitness. 3. Use interval training: High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can be a great way to improve your fitness during the in-season because it's efficient and can be done in a shorter amount of time compared to steady-state cardio. 4. Practice match-specific conditioning: Your body needs to be conditioned to perform well during match play, so you should include specific conditioning drills that mimic the demands of tennis. This can include exercises such as sprints, plyometrics, and agility drills. 5. Stay fresh mentally: Playing matches and competing can be mentally demanding, so it's important to keep your mind fresh by taking time to relax and focus on other things outside of tennis. This can include activities like yoga, reading or hanging out with friends 6. Schedule days off: give your body time to recover, so you'll be able to perform at your best during competitions.

It's important to note that every player is different, so it's always best to consult with your coach or a sports performance professional to develop a training program that works best for you and your schedule.

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